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Istio Integration

The CI/CD Proxy works with Istio out-of-the-box. It's been tested with Istio's side cars and can be deployed to use Istio as an Ingress controller. When deploying with Istio, your helm chart will create the appropriate Gateway, VirtualService, and Destination objects depending on your configuration choices. The Service objects will be named appropriately for Kiali to visualize the connections.


First, add a label to your CI/CD Proxy's namespace so Istio knows to add the envoy side cars:

kubectl label namespace cicd-proxy istio-injection=enabled

In your values.yaml, set:

  1. istio - Tells the helm chart to create the correct objects
  2. - List of labels that should be used to associate the Gateway with an istio controller. Default is istio: ingressgateway

No Load Balancer?

If you're running in a development environment or just don't have an external load balancer, you can configure Istio's ingress-gateway Pod to listen directly on 80 and 443 using this command:

kubectl patch deployments istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"istio-proxy","ports":[{"containerPort":15021,"protocol":"TCP"},{"containerPort":8080,"hostPort":80,"protocol":"TCP"},{"containerPort":8443,"hostPort":443,"protocol":"TCP"},{"containerPort":31400,"protocol":"TCP"},{"containerPort":15443,"protocol":"TCP"},{"containerPort":15090,"name":"http-envoy-prom","protocol":"TCP"}]}]}}}}'

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Known Issues & Troubleshooting

Connection Refused or Reset

If your browser tells you that the connection is refused, it's one of:

  1. Your load balancer isn't setup properly
  2. If no load balancer, you haven't setup the host ports correctly
  3. If the host ports are all configured properly and the load balancer is setup, did you create the ou-tls-certificate Secret in the istio-system Namespace?